Spectrum of Possibilities: Autism Conference 2024
April 12, 2024 @ 8:15AM — 3:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Lourdes University Franciscan Center: 6832 Convent Boulevard Sylvania, Ohio 43560 Get Directions

Connect. Learn. Embrace the Spectrum!
8:15 Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00-10:00 Keynote Speaker David Finch
10:15-11:15 Breakout Session 1
Assistive Technology for Independent Living (Room A/B)
Who’s that with the Guitar? An into to music therapy and autism practices (Board Room)
Is it Autism? Co-occurring and Differential Diagnoses (Theater)
11:30-12:30 Breakout Session 2
Educational Eligibility and Clinical Diagnoses of Autism: Working Together (Room A/B)
Creating Joyful Learning (Board Room)
Autism and Friendship: The Right to Unmask (Theater)
12:30-2:00 Lunch and Resource Fair
2:00-3:00 Breakout Session 3
Strategies for Creating Schools that Foster Belonging (Room A/B)
Unraveling Task Analysis for Success (Board Room)
When Eloise met Chloe: The story of Autistic Mentorship (Theater)
3:00 Conference End
Spectrum of Possibilities 2024 Autism Conference Presenter List
10:15 a.m.
Option A: Assistive Technology for Independent Living
Carly Dauch, OTD, OTR/L; Sarah Heldmann, BS, COTA/L, ATP
Option B: Who’s That with the Guitar? An Introduction to Music Therapy and Autism Practices
Jaclyn Hotaling-O’Neill, MMT, MT-BC; Peyton Kaercher, MT-BC; Laurel Rosen-Weatherford, MM, MT-BC
Option C: Is it Autism? Co-occurring and Differential Diagnoses
Kristen Boog, PhD; Danielle Dwyer, PhD; Sharnita Harris, PhD; Melissa Tuttle, PhD
11:30 a.m.
Kristen Boog, PhD; Danielle Dwyer, PhD; Sharnita Harris, PhD; Melissa Tuttle, PhD
Option B: Creating Joyful Learning
Heather Beam, M.Ed, BCBA, COBA
Option C: Autism and Friendship: The Right to Unmask
Alexis Eggenberger, MBA, LISW-S, BCBA; Danny Napoli; Chloe Rothschild
2 p.m.
Option A: Strategies for Creating Schools that Foster Belonging through Inclusive and Accessible Practices
Laurel Rosen-Weatherford, MM, MT-BC; Whitney Steyer, MOTR/L; Rayann Turner, M.A.
Option B: Unraveling Task Analysis for Success
Megan Thompson, M.Ed
Option C: When Chloe met Eloise: The Story of Autistic Mentorship
Alexis Eggenberger, MBA, LISW-S, BCBA; Chloe Rothschild